Four Corners of Pulaski

Four Corners of Pulaski

Four Cornerstones of Pulaski This article entitled “Old Land Marks” appeared in the – May 7, 1924, issue of the The Pulaski Citizen.  By a treaty between commissioners representing the United States and Indian tribes entered into July 23, 1805, the...
Redpath Chautauqua

Redpath Chautauqua

Chautauqua Brought Opportunities to Giles County Circuit or “tent” Chautauqua had its beginning in the lyceum movement, which started in Massachusetts as early as 1826, and in the Chautauqua assemblies held at Lake Chautauqua, New York, beginning in 1874....
Giles Countians in the War of 1812

Giles Countians in the War of 1812

Giles Countians Distinguished Themselves in War of 1812 By Claudia Johnson In the same year Giles County was created, 1809, newly elected President James Madison and his style setting wife, Dolly, moved into the White House. Tennessee was a mere child of thirteen, and...
James Carrell, War of 1812 Soldier

James Carrell, War of 1812 Soldier

James Carrell, War of 1812 Soldier The history of the Carrell Family is traced from Fairfax, Va., in the early 1700s through Granville County, N.C., during the Revolutionary period on to Williamson County, Tenn., during the War of 1812 and finally to Giles County,...